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New Major Feature
In this version of AutoCount Accounting, a newer and better version of the Upgrade Notice function is introduced. This function will now display a discreet message on the bottom right hand corner of the Login window to notify the user that a newer version of the program is available for download.
Clicking on the message will open the Upgrade Version notification window. Here users can see their current program and AutoCount DB version and compare it with the latest version numbers.
Users can also have an easier access to the release notes associated with the update version from this window. To access the release note, the user has to click the button under the Note column and the system will open the webpage containing the release note via a browser window.
Users that have subscribed to the AutoCount Program Update Service can, from the Notification window, download the new version of the program. To do this, just click on the Download link in the Action column and the user will be prompted to enter the AutoCount Program Update User ID and Password that they will receive when subscribing to the above mentioned program.
After downloading the newer version, the user could, via clicking the More Actions link in the Action column, either locate the setup file so that they can copy it to another computer or run the downloaded setup program on their current machine.
What’s fixed in this update:
- Adjust FormGrabGSTIDFromCustom form height to fit into notebook screen.
- Add code to Close button to close the thread form in FormGrabGSTIDFromCuston.
- Modified IRAS to follow 2016 IRAS tax guide.
- Add must specify tax type checking in Cash Book.
- Modify to use GainLossDate instead of DocDate for realized exchange gain/loss transaction in IRAS.
- Add warning message for write off Bad Debt.
- Modify Retrieve Custom GST ID function to fix some issue unable to retrieve data from the Custom website.
- Modify Update Serial Number Manufactured, Expiry and Last Sales Date so that it wont have an empty value.
- Fix DPI issue in Profit & Loss of Document report.
- Add generation code for Committed GST Processor’s currency code.
- Allow export of G/L, A/R and A/P as long as user have both Export Account module and the access right to do so. There is no more checking on G/L, A/R, A/P and POSAccount module.
- Enhancement on the Upgrade Notice function.